AML Checks
Complete Registration and verify your Identity
Corporate Investors
A Corporate is a limited liability partnership, limited company, public body or other legal entity.
Type of Investors in P2P agreements
There are 4 types of Investors:
1) Restricted Investor
2) Certified Sophisticated Investor
3) High Net Worth
4) Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor
Appropriateness Test APT
APT Test that an Everyday/Retail or Restricted Investor, Sophisticated or High Networth Investor must pass before Investing in a P2P agreement
Top Up
Top Up your Kuflink Wallet
FSCS Protection
1) Select Invest
2) Auto Invest
Diversify your funds across multiple loans secured on Property* and enjoy tax-free Interest with the Kuflink Innovative Finance ISA!
Peer-to-Peer Investing
Get better returns on your savings with peer to peer investing.
Account Setup
Learn how to register and set up your Kuflink account.
See all your Active and Repaid Investments, with information against each Invested Deal.
Account Overview
Account Overview contains 1) Tax Statements; 2) Active Deals in Select Invest, Auto Invest, IF-ISA, Reserved and any Pending Withdrawals.
Default Rate
A loan is in default when it is 1 calendar month past a missed payment, with this payment still outstanding.
Compound Interest
Re-invest your earned interest and increase returns with compound interest.
Learn how we are dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Borrow loans for residential, commercial, semi-commercial and auction purposes.
Deceased Investor
Deceased Investor Process. An Investor Relations officer will begin working to gather a certified Death Certificate, Will and Grant of Probate.
Legal Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone (The Agent), to make decisions for you (The Principal) or act on your behalf.
Kuflink Glossary
Learn the meaning of all the technical finance terms.
Wind Down plan
Wind Down Plan
Platform Availability
Platform Availability
Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery Statement