Our banking details have changed

We now bank with NatWest.

As of 19th October 2021, we have changed our banking provider.

If you top up your wallet by bank transfer, there is a new account number and sort code to use.  Be sure to delete our old details from your payees list.  If you have a standing order set up, please modify it accordingly.

Remember; when you send us money through manual transfer, always use your unique reference number, so we know the money has come from you.  The money will show up in your account up to 5 working days later (though, usually it's the same working day).

Could we ask that you use your unique reference number with NO SPACE between the letters and numbers, please?

XX_12345 WRONG

To view the new account details, simply log in to your account, and navigate to the top up page.

From there, select "Manual Bank Transfer" and the new account details will be visible.  For security, we've not shown the details here.

If you have any questions on this change, please do contact our Investor Relations team.